Big Rudder

How a brand consultancy should be

“It may well be that creativity is the last unfair advantage we’re legally allowed to take over our competitors…”
Bill Bernbach

The Invoice Of Truth

The Invoice Of Truth

Let’s be clear, we’re not qualified (let alone competent) electricians. To be honest, even when presented with a task like changing a three-pin plug we’d scuttle off to YouTube to watch a quick tutorial. Better safe than sorry. And with that in mind, we’re certainly not bomb disposal experts either. 

Well that’s not entirely true, because it is (as ever) about context.

What we are, broadly speaking, is a team of people who know an awful lot about what’s required when it comes to developing and delivering meaningful brand and/or marketing strategies. Take a look at our photos – we’ve clearly been doing this for quite a while.

But what we like most about the ‘To cut wire = £1’ analogy should be blindingly obvious – optics can be deceiving. It turns out you are not actually buying the execution, you’re actually buying everything behind it.

Some of the most iconic marketing messaging in the world (Nike ‘Just Do it’, Apple ‘Think Different’, KFC ‘Finger Lickin’ Good’, etc) looks so simple that you might think ‘I could have thought of that’. But of course you didn’t. And neither did anyone else - until the agency involved developed a winning strategy by finding the hard shiny truth about that product or service, and framed it in a way that we all instantly understood and believed.

Think of it this way. We can look at a crazy bundle of multi-coloured wires, and work out which one needs the snip. And that isn’t a formulaic ‘…just cut the yellow and green one’. No, we will investigate, interrogate and test each and every connection – check where it’s come from (and why), and where it’s going. We can study a confusing loom of wires and understand how the machine works. Then we can fix the disconnects, or cut and/or replace those connections that have been stopping the whole machine from operating properly.

So what you buy is experience and know-how. But that’s easy to understand because, well, that’s what YOU sell, isn’t it?

The world of brands and marketing is not all about straight lines and simplistic binary decisions. If you think it is, well, YOU might be the reason your ‘machine’ isn’t working effectively. There are countless variables, nuances and external factors to recognise, appreciate and navigate - to get somewhere where it CAN be reduced to something that looks staggeringly simple and works perfectly.

When you’re presented with a complex communication-related problem, you don’t want to employ a novice, or someone who’s only ever fixed one type of machine to come help you. An enthusiastic hobbyist, or a remarkably over-confident imposter will be no good to you either. What you really need are people whose calm and collected can-do personas can be directly correlated to many years of correctly framing and then fixing problems across many, many business sectors.

So, would you like us to grab our wire cutters and head torches?    

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