Big Rudder

How a brand consultancy should be

“It may well be that creativity is the last unfair advantage we’re legally allowed to take over our competitors…”
Bill Bernbach

Brand Creation 101

Brand Creation 101

You like our name? Here’s why you should

The Big Rudder. Interesting label, don’t you think? But of course it’s so much more than just the name over the door.

That’s because we’ve created it to mean something – to provoke attention and intrigue, to have impact, to tell you what we do, to highlight our key benefits, and not just to hint at something but to TELL you something really important and meaningful.

All that compressed into two simple words.

Two words that contain some hard, shiny truths.

Of course it represents a thought-provoking analogy – we are the rudder that will steer a ship (your business). And naturally, like all ships, it is powered by a propeller (your marketing budget) to maximise the output of your engines (your collective efforts) to steer your cargo (your products and services) in the right direction (increasing awareness and sales), to deliver that cargo to a friendly port (your current and prospective customers).

And we’re a ‘Big’ rudder because we’re confident we can have considerable influence on you getting to where you want to go. Why? Because we’ve spent our entire careers doing the same sort of thing for a wide range of businesses.

What we’ve done is not merely create a catchy name and logo – we’re in the process of establishing a trustworthy BRAND.

Essentially, it’s got legs (sea legs if you are fond of puns).

It is so much more than a slogan – what it represents permeates everything we do (take a quick look at our website, etc) and amplifies what we have to offer.

And we’ve made it whimsical because, well, frankly we’ve all been told we’re fun to work with.

The Big Rudder tells you more than just that we exist – it tells you everything you need to know about the services we offer.

And we could do the same for you…

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