Big Rudder

How a brand consultancy should be

“It may well be that creativity is the last unfair advantage we’re legally allowed to take over our competitors…”
Bill Bernbach

Big Rudder is genuinely different to the vast majority of brand consultancies you’ll encounter. Why? Because we are authentic problem-solvers. Collectively we have many years of hands-on experience and know-how in the creative industry. We came through the ranks. We’ve been in the trenches. We’ve performed senior and leadership roles. Consequently, we're completely commercially orientated.

We’re profit-generators. Your profits.

Like any sort of rudder, our sole task is to help point your business in the right direction.

Delivering excellent creatives is fundamental, but that’s only part of the story. We will thoroughly examine and interrogate your business, your audience, your competitive market, and your commercial imperatives before we make any recommendations. Thereafter we will formulate a meaningful marketing strategy for you, which will provide the context of the creative brief. Only then will we move on to the serious business of design.

Because a successful brand not only looks the business, it does the business too.


Firstly, can we agree on the terms?

What is marketing?

Marketing is all about understanding your audience, your competitors and the competitive market – to figure out how and why people buy your products/services, and then aligning your offering in such a way that it becomes much easier for you to become a candidate for their business. It is about developing an appropriate commercial strategy and sales-generating tactics to out-think your rivals and increase your profits.

“The aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous…”
Peter Drucker

What is a brand?

Brand is an important part of the sales mix; you can’t claim it - you have to grow it over time. Your brand is not what you say about yourself, but what people think about you. In truth, a brand is a reflection of reality; based on product/service performance, the buying experience, the support and aftercare you deliver, and how your business behaves. A brand is the recognisable value you deliver time after time.

“A brand is another word for reputation and image. And you don’t get a reputation just by claiming something…”
Dave Trott

What is advertising?

You can have the greatest products/services, be commercially streamlined, and have a credible marketing plan – but if nobody really knows about your products/services (and the valuable benefits they bring) then it’s always going to be hard to compete. Advertising is essentially about getting noticed by the right people. And the most credible and effective advertising is when you get noticed without screaming or performing tricks.

“Tell the truth, but make the truth fascinating…”
David Ogilvy

Dodge choppy waters!

Our 3-Level Approach: Strategy, Creativity, and Practicality

The reality is that some companies are better than others. And that’s true of brand consultancies too.

There’s often a sense that some might just be driven by their own creative gratification at your expense. They may leave a client with an appealing-looking logo (not to mention a hefty invoice), but without really defining what the business really needs to do to achieve their commercial goals. A brand is so much more than a nice-looking logo.

Strategy, Creativity, and Practicality

Big Rudder is different.
Very different.

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“Without strategy, marketing is merely an ineffectual beauty contest…”
Andy Tyne

What do we actually do?

At the most basic level, we update existing brands and/or create new ones. But it goes way, way deeper than that. If you want a quick fix, a cheap ‘n’ cheerful or off-the-shelf solution, then you’ve come to the wrong place. We don’t do shallow.

We start with a clean sheet of paper and work closely with you to ensure we really understand the business universe that you inhabit, so we can give you something that’s commercially sound.

Digging deep(er)

We’ll ask you some pretty searching questions about where your business is now, where you’d like it to go, and how you think you’re going to get there. And we’ll interrogate everything.

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Tweak and polish

At this stage, we’ll provide you with some visual design ideas. Typically, each of these will come at the brief from different creative angles, focusing on different strengths or qualities, whilst always keeping a firm eye on how that will support and enhance the strategic direction.

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“Understanding your prime target audience is crucial in the creation of media that will ultimately turn the right heads.”
Rob Threadgold

Who we are

The two lead partners in Big Rudder, Rob and Steve, are the ‘yin and yang’ of the business. We bring very different perspectives and skillsets to a project, but – having worked together for almost 25 years – we have a deep understanding of each other’s approaches which enables us to strike the right balance for clients.

We are backed up by a network of seasoned professionals; offering support where it is needed with deep strategy work (if required), industry sector specialists and/or media advisers.


Rob Threadgold

Rob joined SPS Advertising in 1989, taking on the role of graphic designer including art direction for photoshoots and worked on some blue chip accounts including Nat West, Mercedes Benz and Vauxhall.

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Steve Braden

Steve cut his teeth working at a couple of small design and marketing agencies before striking out on his own at the age of 26. Within two years, he’d partnered with Rob to form Braden Threadgold (now BTL Creative), a partnership which has endured for more than 20 years and is characterised by an astonishing level of client loyalty.

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Our relationship with BTL Creative

Big Rudder isn’t our only business: we launched BTL Creative way back in 1998. Not only have we built a successful design studio operation, we also pride ourselves on the longevity of the business relationships we have enjoyed, and how we have helped many organisations develop effective marketing communications within tight budgets.

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“Designing a brand is only part of the job. Applying it – consistently, intelligently, effectively…that’s where the value is achieved ”
Steve Braden

Don’t take our word for it

These are just some of the brands that we have worked with successfully over the years.



“Once again, thank-you for a brilliant job. You never let me down!”
Debbie Gilard, Communications Manager, Quantum Care

“A very proactive and customer-focused agency with a friendly and experienced team.”
Andrew Geldard, Chief Communications Officer, Willmott Dixon Group

“The first drafts were lightyears ahead of our existing works and we always felt that we were listened to.”
Richard Spragg, Managing Director, Interm IT

“The work is of the highest standard. We feel very lucky to have found you guys.”
Richie Lannon, Managing Director, Sims4Travel

“The quality of the work is always outstanding, the delivery prompt and professional. I love working with you!”
Kirsten Whitehouse, Director, Green Tiger Events

Who are YOU?

Who are YOU?

No two businesses are exactly the same. But our skillset can benefit different types of organisations in very meaningful ways.


When we were discussing creating this business, we were very much thinking that our audience should be SMEs – those organisations that don’t have a massive marketing department, or are without the time/resources to dig deep and strategize just where the long-term future of business might be (and what would be the ramifications in terms of branding).

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Marketing & Design Agencies

An agency can use us to develop strategies, briefs and creative ideas to deliver the best possible work to their clients – or help them pitch for new work. We could ‘be’ you, or we could work in the shadows. It makes no difference to us. But getting you more business does.

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Who are YOU?

What’s in a name?

Why call ourselves the ‘Big Rudder’?

When it came to creating our own brand we went through a detailed process of defining exactly what/where our key strengths lay, what tangible value we could bring (and to who), and then worked out how we might best explain why/what we do. Just like we do for any client.

So we developed a business strategy and wrote ourselves a brief.

Central to this was a question we felt it extremely important to answer: What should a brand consultancy really be?

We concluded that when it comes to marketing, not all businesses and brands were being steered in the right direction. Not on purpose, but because sometimes you can be too close to the problem to see the problem.

As brand consultants, we not only help clients read the marketing map correctly, but also help them understand and make adjustments for elements beyond their control, plot and navigate the right course, and help steer the ‘ship’ efficiently. We are a light hand on the tiller, skilfully guiding and advising, and keeping you off the rocks. [Yes, we’ve really squeezed the absolute pips out of this metaphor!].

Put simply, a Big Rudder can have really positive effect on the direction of your business. As for providing the power to propel you forward once the most effective course has been set…well, that’s completely up to you.

We think. A lot.

If you’ve got this far, you’ve probably figured that out already. Take a look at our blog for further insights and musings on all things brand and strategy related.

The Big Rudder Blog